CVI Central

CVI Central


CVI Central provides a single, web-based portal for managing your CVI workflows. Both electronic and paper certificates are handled seamlessly.


Delivery of CVIs to CVI Central

CVI Central provides direct integration of eCVIs that meet the USAHA XML standard. It also provides the ability for VSPS Excel spreadsheets and PDF documents to be uploaded as well as provides email delivery of scanned paper imports and exports and automatic email of export scanned paper CVIs to the state of origin.

Data collection & data requests in CVI Central

CVI Central provides automatic data collection from eCVIs and some automatic data collection from scanned paper. Easy entry menus for other data and direct searching and creating of premises and veterinarian records in CoreOne from CVI Central are additional features. CVI Central supports the requirements of large data inquiries like freedom of information act requests. The program can generate a list of CVIs filtered for origin state, destination state, species and time frame and then create reports to include the PDF CVIs and an Excel file. With the use of an access key, CVI Central can generate a unique URL with a list of CVIs meeting the filters set for the request.



Tracking of non-compliance

CVI Central allows users to mark a CVI non-compliant and a unique case number is assigned. Addressing non-compliance issues can be managed and is visible in a non-compliance list. Users can create a report of non-compliant and import CVIs including the PDFs and an Excel spreadsheet and these can be emailed to the origin state animal health official from CVI Central.

Additional management features

CVI Central has a host of features that allow you to manage CVIs including managing multi-species CVIs, combining multi-page scanned paper CVIs into a single record, combining CVI records with attachments and the use of sticky notes for all CVI records. In addition, CVI records are maintained in the system for as long as needed. Retention schedules are set by the user with records automatically deleted when the retention time is met.


Additional information & tutorials

We provide a comprehensive series of training videos for CVI Central in Trace First University.